Thursday, June 23, 2016

dump loads, not a good term

hi everyone, the term DUMP LOAD is not a good term because the hole point is to NOT waist ANY power produced. the extra loads applied over and above the set point of the battery charge must be used for an intended purpose and not wasted by them dam things called waist resistors . this is how many systems are designed, I would advise against buying from anyone that uses a waist type system, they don't have the buyers best interests in mind and mostly say its a safety , bull shit, its a lie. my system is mostly home made and I don't have one waist resistor at all. I'm also able to dump 1.7 times my production ability, also all power diverted is used to work some thing useful . I get a return on all power produced like the true wind system was designed to be. also I have a blog on dump loads that cost under 10 bucks and is capable of 4000w , can be used as water heater or used in a air heater. I'm also converting a block heater for my truck for the winter with this same ss threaded rod . your only limited by your imagination . all power produced should be doing some thing useful or its all a waist of time and effort. the point is not to DUMP but rather use the power for all the pleasures of life. food for thought. thanks for reading.

Monday, June 20, 2016

voltage sensing relays ?

hi everyone, I have tested and used voltage sensing relays, most are not suited to windmill control system. this is do to the operating voltage and cycle control type. I was called to check a problem with a guys system, he was using the voltage relay type control board. this was a ebay type unit sold for about 10 - 15$. these can be used but are not properly suited to windmill applications. they work by simply watching voltage and mostly to a single digit . they work but are crud at best. they do not watch the s.o.c  and most are again mechanical relay type, short life.  in a wind burst the system went dead. his system has vary easy access. we tested the output voltage of his mill on my test bench , the output voltage was 68 volts, this was a problem because the voltage sensing board specs say its voltage limit is 90 volts max. any wind bursts can increase voltage to failure point quickly and the relay on all boards iv seen are only 10 amp max. all in all not suited for wind use. if you burn 2 of these boards you could have bought a board and never have had any problems to worry about. ------- one piece of info---- many of the 440 amp systems being sold are controlled by these types of so called controllers. there a failure waiting to happen. this is food for thought. thanks for reading.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

27amp alt type pma, wow

hi everyone, I was able to assist the build of a heavy equipment alt for wind use. I looks like a cataterpillar , it was yellow and no tags at all. this was given to a friend for wind pma build use. using the original stator windings the alt was converted like any other chevy alt for wind use. he dosn,t have a test bench but I was able to help to get some usable numbers to pick a starter set of blades. after mounted on a pole he recorded a charge amperage of 27 amp in 26mph wind with the blades he had already , blade type is unknown and its a 5 blades system. ether way its some ideas to try for the new people instead of getting drawn into the chevy alt type junk out there. the output is way higher and is the same work to build. I was asked about my build, IM SORRY, I have a third party paying for the R&D of these units and cant release any info until complete. once all done this info will be released with all specs and test info for all to see, this will be a year or so from now. the output of 27 amp is a mild build, that's all I can say. so if your building a pma, its simple, go big or go home. its the same price. food for thought. thanks for reading.