Saturday, May 14, 2016

adding 2 blades

hi everyone, today I decided to add 2 blades to a small test mill I have. it had 3 hemi blades and is 14 ft above the lake at the end of the dock. I'm in a low wind area and on a average day it seldom will use the dump system, now I added 2 blades for a total of 5 blades, the dump system was seldom used on a average day prior to adding 2 more blades, now it uses the dump system most of the time. in low wind the blade count and type are critical for success . I use hemi blades for all my smaller mills in low wind. plane and simple , they work and vary good for lowwind. one of the easiest ways to check your systems output is with the use of a watt hour meter, the average over time is the best way to test and make any adjustments with. pick a time frame of about 8 hours and a start time and check it every 8 hours for several days and you will find when you best power times are and also record the wind speeds as often as possible. the time spent will give the info to make any changes needed quickly and accurately. the smallest change to the right parts can give big changes to the output. food for thought. thanks for reading. you will also find with a watt hour meter that the wattage for your pma is not the advertised wattage.

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