Tuesday, May 3, 2016

alt type pma ?

hi everyone. I was asked witch type of alternator to use to build a pma. these are my thoughts. most people use the chevy alts because the parts are every where, almost any alt can be used, my thoughts are to use the biggest one you can get your hands on, it will have a larger stator winding and a higher surface speed resulting in higher output most often .keep in mine in most cases you will be rewinding the stator, most all alts use way to heavy of a wire for wind use. your looking for the biggest diameter across the stator you can find and the most slots in the stator you can find. if your lucky , you might find a skewered stator, this is when the wire windings are on a angle across the stator, this would be a awesome find, this saves the headache of angling the magnets. the magnets should be the strongest ones you can get for your application , the stronger the magnet the higher the output will be. there are several pics on the net for rotor design, there is a million ideas on this topic, just use as many magnets as you can fit into the rotor and as strong a magnet as you can get. most are using ether 7 or 14 magnets in there designs, I have seen as low as 5 and as high as 18 in a alt type pma, you will need to figure out the amount of magnets for the room your rotor has. so the chevy has the most available parts but is a smaller alt, the diesel transports and equipment have a lot larger alts to use and will net more power at the end of your efforts , these are my thoughts. thanks for reading.

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