Friday, April 8, 2016

new to wind dont get screwed

hi everyone, if your new or trying to figure out what parts or system to buy for your wind system LISTEN UP, these bits of info are from experience and from getting screwed . I,ll try really hard to not point fingers. so here we go. if your looking at BLADES don't buy from any jack asses driving a truck with a wind mill mounted in the back for blade testing, they don't no anything about blades if they test like that. if there the sword type they are ONLY for high wind areas, make sure you know your average wind speed for your area. most all blade sellers will tell you they have the best blades on the market, the truth is that each wind zone needs a different blade and gets harder the lower the wind zone. check into home made blades, there is a lot of good to great designs on the net and are vary cheap to make. do your home work. STATORS many sellers claim 1000w or 1800w from a altenator style stator, BULL SHIT. add the numbers and see { 1800w / 14v = 128.5A } never in a million years so { 1800w / 24v = 64.28A } again never in a million years, so { 1800w / 100v = 18A } so might be possible just not likely , the rpm needed for any of there numbers to be any good would never be reachable by a wind driven anything. the alt type units are lower output and that is fine but are sold as a lot higher output than they really are and that's the part that pisses me off, don't lie I got big shoulders, I can handle the truth., but they no they cant sell them if they tell the truth. again do your home work. CONTROLLERS this is almost mystical to find a seller not bullshiting about there controller, there are some good controllers out there but this is one of the hardest to figure out the bs. any of the good controllers DO NOT have a pretty enclosure and a bunch of digital gauges and buttons all over them. the good ones are a simple unit because once set it is left alone and no longer needing to be screwed with. and are not mechanical short life units. there is only three I would even consider using and none have gauges and a prettied up enclosure, they are down to business only, no bs .home work home work home work.  MOUNTS the c type mounts used for the altenater  style are a complete waist of money, there are several vary good ideas on the net. look up pma mounts there easy to build and some can be purchased, the c chanel type will piss you off guaranteed , are noisy and poor all around units. RECTIFIERS everyone iv tested was over rated to way over rated, the basic is to use at 1/4 of its rating believe it or make sure its in a fire proof area, one of my tests set the chines ones on fire in 10 seconds at 2/3 of its rating. the most known wind and solar sites are selling the chines ones at double the price to buy from ebay. these rectifiers are ok units but for 20a or less, there labelled  as 90-100a and will never handle this number I guarantee you. I recommend buying a lot larger than needed, you will be safe and have room to expand later if needed. DUMP LOADS stop and read this. do not buy any dump loads from anyone, there all vary expensive and low wattage for there price. all you need is a 1/4" stainless all threaded rod, it come in 36" length and is good to handle 4000w reliably , can be cut to different lengths if needed and bent to shape as needed, cutting to a lesser length will change the wattage abiliy. can be used in water or in open air and costs 7.89$ each at lowes. one of my blogs is a test on this type of dump load. vary durable. CABLES don't listen to the welding cable garbage, also mentioned in one of my blogs. I have used extention cords from day one on my smaller mills and never had a problem, use the right awg for your power output and length and leave the ends on, my cords are 100ft long, also a blog on this. the home work is the key, there is a lot of lies and misconceptions from sellers that cant sell if they don't lie, no one would buy if they knew the truth. leaving out any info is the same as lying isn't it. I have purchased from allmost all major wind and solar sites and will warn you to be cautious , I have been screwed by all but one from Michigan . the biggest in the southern states is also the biggest scammer. BE CAUTIOUS and do the home work. I hope this saves someone or everyone the getting screwed part. thanks for reading

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