Monday, April 25, 2016

low wind secrets

hi everyone, today I was talking to a guy in town about wind mills, he had many questions about many topics. we talked for about 2 hours and I told him about my blogs, he has been doing research and thinking about installing a system but has concerns and many questions so has been talking with he says 10-15 sites and getting the picture that a wind mill system will cost about 2500-3500$ plus the batteries and the tower, witch he was told will need to be 75ft or taller ?. well I told him to start his research over again and gave him 6 sites to start with. later he called me and is excited now and cant believe all the lies and misconceptions from the people and sites from the first study he did. he calculated the cost from the new studies and came up with 800$ all in less the 41 ft tower that he really needs. home work again is the key to a good and cost effective system. he also got a eye opener about the real wattage to expect in the real world. he was told by several sites 1000w and up was no problem at almost any time, this was a big lie anyone will tell you that has a system using altenator type wind mills, this was the type they all wanted to sell. many have started out like this and this kinda angers me that there are that many sites tring to rip people off on a daily bases . please people do the home work on every step of the way, everyone seems to want to rip you off. the sites to start with are {  -----  poorman guides ----- ----- thegizmologist,s lair ------ the12volt ----- -------- and ebay ------ note on ebay, this is for parts only and be cautious with the sellers. if your handy at all you can build a good system for a reasonable price that works good and is useful . do the research and ask a lot of questions and verify all answers to find the truth and lies, there will be many lies, the time spent studying will be well worth the outcome. I hope this helps with the project, if I can help, IM IN . thanks for reading.------- there are several secrets are in the blogs below, read on and see.

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