Friday, April 15, 2016

blades for low wind 5-15 mph

hi everyone, finding good blades for a low wind area { 5-15mph } that work can be hard. these are what works for me. if your buying blades then you WILL need the hemi blades or ones similar , I have tried 6 different purchased blades and the ONLY ones that work properly and on ALL my alt type pma,s are the hemi  blades . the raptor blades DO NOT WORK in low wind, I hade 11 blade raptors and did not work half as good as the 5 blade hemi blades, these are ONLY high wind blades. I also make a lot of my own blades now and there is a lot of info on the net about making pvc blades. from my findings and some vary good advice, you shouldn't have any points or corners at all on the blades, this causes turbulence in the air flow around the blade, always rounded edges and the leading and trailing sides need to be contoured as the following pics. the pvc blades should always have a leading edge equal to the mount bolt line because of the curvature of the pipe, this edge causes a hugh drag . the hubs need cooling holes, if the hub you have for your blades doesn't have cooling holes you NEED to put in some cooling holes, the gen WILL run hot in summer. I have recorded 95deg on my small one more than once, and not that windy of a day. with the cooling holes I have not recorded more than 64deg in july heat , that one puts out 14amp on a good day. cooling holes are a must. balancing is also a must on any and all blade assemblies, this will also give longer bearing life and less or no vibrations = less noise. I always paint my blades and wax them, they look better and clear any snow off in the first turn at start up. I hope this helps with the hard to find low wind blades that work. thanks for reading.
vary good blades
hemi blades
blade profiles

blades drag area
good home made blades
good blades

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