Monday, April 18, 2016

wind mill magnets, magnetic lines are crooked ?

hi everyone, look at these pics first, see what you think.
 pic #1
 pic #2
 pic #3
 pic #4
 pic #5
 pic #6
 pic #7
pic #8   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------can anyone find a straight line of flux in any pic but #4, me ether, none to be found. so why is all gens set up that every thing is about straight lines ? , the magnetic flux is not in straight lines in any testing that iv done or seen . the only straight lines you will ever see are drawn in and not actual lines of flux. the only time I ever seen straight lines of flux is when two magnets are beside or above each other and not in motion and not with any conductor between them. everyone knows that on the smaller pma,s to angle the magnets to lower the cogging, but doing this gets away from the straight lines, so why dose this work ?. maybe its no about straight lines and more about fallowing the lines of flux in there natural motion or curvature, just a thought. magnetic lines of flux cannot be cancelled or ended but only diverted or rerouted, when angling the magnets in most cases your effecting two coils at once and reducing the amount of magnetic pull by the number of effected coils, the more coils effected the lower the cogging effect, but the more the lines of flux is distributed between other coils and not as much on the coil its effecting directly.  also the lag effect as I call it is not falling behind but rather pushing forward on the lines of flux also effecting when and where the lines of flux are in proportion to the magnet it self. these are the reasons I believe there is so much more to be found in the magnetic end of the wind mills, also why I think the shapes that are being used need to be revisited , some of the hawt gens out there are a work of art, hats off to most of the guys building them. I just think there is still a lot of room to improve, remember some thought tesla was nuts too, could you imagine if tesla was still alive what the world would be like. anyway these are the thoughts that keep me and many others up at night. food for thought. thanks for reading.    the top pic is what comes to mind when I here the term eddie currents.                                                                  

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