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Sunday, March 27, 2016
components area / room
hi everyone, when a system is being thought out, there are many things to decide on, these decisions can help or hurt you in the long run. take the time to look at all options and make an informed plan before you start. these are my thoughts on the components and there placement within the system. first the yard and house and house layout all need to be considered as one workable area, the closer components the lower the loses and the better the efficiency . this can prove to be vary hard in many cases. remember that ac power has less loses for length than dc power . also the components area / location should be as close as possible to the heavier drawing systems like the dump loads { water heaters, space heaters or any other heavy load }. this will help minimise the dc loses. I think the disconnects and rectifiers should be outside , easier access to the disconnects for the emergency crews if needed and the rectifiers can burn up in an extreme storm, this is much safer in my opinion. these need to be near the battery bank. the battery bank I like in the house or a warmer area, the bank / s will be in there own enclosure and vented with fans and ducting to outside as needed. the battery should also be as close as possible to the 2 buss systems but should have a separation of some kind { keep batteries from any sparks or high heat source for safety }. the mounting area for the components should no be flammable { I see ply wood used often, this is a fire hazard } to mount the shunts, ssr relays , relays, cables, controller and any other system components you will be using in your system. I like to use fire board backed by a piece of dry wall on a piece of ply wood, this configuration exceeds code in my area. the dry wall is all that is needed in many location, this will need to be checked. the controller and any electronics should be in an enclosure then mounted to the board. the dump system and the draw system should be mounted so there separate on the board, easier to identify . the ssr,s all need a heat sink this can use a fair amount a space. the shunts if used should also be in a separate area on the board. do not mount any of the dump loads them self to the board only the ssr,s or relays. the dump loads if there resistors, should be in a enclosure to protect people from getting burnt and for fire protection, follow manufacture recommendations for mounting all dump loads. mount the breakers and any fuses to this board also, they should be setup as to have the dump ones and the draw one organized with the layout of the board. the ssr,s should be organized for a cooling fan in my opinion, added safety and better efficiency overall . this board should be as close as possible to the main breaker panel for the house if you will be using inverters, this also can be vary hard in many cases. the ac loses will usually be minimal in these inverter parts of the install. all connections to the ac of the house will need to meet code like any other ac connection. the dc side will need to meet the low voltage or dc code for your area. on the dc code you will need a fire ext within 10 feet in my area. also I like to paint the board with a standard interior house paint because any high heat areas will dicolour the paint { use a lighter colour paint seems to work good } and show a possible problem area . the board can get large dependant on the system size, my board is 4 feet by 5.5 feet and houses all components but the inverters and dump loads. I hope my thoughts help anyone building a system. thanks for reading.
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