Saturday, March 19, 2016

relay,s or ssr,s dose it matter

hi everyone, relay or ssr, there are many opinions on this topic. these are mine from my testing . both have there place in a wind or solar system but in specific places, also dependant on the controller you are using. all of my dump load system use ssr relays ONLY because my controller can operate at 20ms and faster, this gives amazingly accurate control over my dump and a stable charge voltage. one note on ssr,s, they should not be used at more than 70% of there rated amperage for a long and happy life. they give off more heat than mechanical relays but if your system is well thought out you will not see more than about35-40 deg from them, this is more than acceptable . I have 10 in my system and the highest temp recorded was56 deg c on a dump that shorted to ground. iv had vary good luck with the ssr,s iv used and have not had a failure that wasn,t ether my fault or a parts failure. the mechanical relays are also used in the smaller applications within my system but do have a shorter life than the ssr,s. nothing gets connected to my battery bank without a fuse and or a relay, I like my house without the flames all around it. the led lighting supply is on a voltage sensing relay, because I can run the leds all the way down to 8v if needed or wanted for summer parties . my battery vent system are on the mechanical relays away form the batteries, these are sealed relays too for extra protection. if buying from places like ebay, be carful of the sellers, there is a lot of junk on ebay and relays of any type are no exception. DO NOT USE FUSABLE LINKS in a wind or solar system, most cant test them properly and almost allways burn through when they go, a major fire hazard . the incoming hydro from the mills need to each have there own disconnect , this is code in most places and just sensible . I also have a breaker between the battery and the main bus supply terminals, just in case. its all about the safty, just think what my 3400amp battery system could do if a dead short happened at the main leads. would go off like a boom from hell. please build safe systems, life is already to short. thanks for reading

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