Friday, March 25, 2016

terminal amperage

hi everyone, installing wire terminals is a easy job,. I worked for two days on a friends system to find a cold solder at a battery connection. do not solder any wind and solar connections, this only raises resistance. this type of problem can be vary time consuming and costly. these are my thoughts on wire termination . first, wire crimpers that squish the terminal flat should be band from sale everywhere, they are the poorest excuse for wire crimpers ever made. there are several vary good ones out there but are not cheap if there any good. the ones that put a punch hole in the center of the connector seem to work vary good for me, iv tested the pull hold ability on many connections with great results. on a standard 14awg wire and a standard 1/4" connector I can pull until the connector breaks and the wire and terminal don't come apart. on the same crimping tool it has a wire stripper, cutter, crimper , plier, small bolt cutter and stripping gauge, all needed tools in one plier but cost 24$ each, and are princess auto ones, iv had them for 8 years now and still work perfect, money well spent. the larger cable type connections are vary expensive, you should use the coated ones for a wind and solar install,. when you are using a lot of larger ones the cost is vary high 3-20$ each and not in the budget for most, a good system can need 15-25 of these big ones. on the big crimps I use a hydrolic crimper I purchased on ebay for 50$, money again well spent, these big connectors can take a lot of pressure to crimp properly and have never seen a good job with a hammer, looks like crap and is a poor connection. I make a lot of my own from copper tubing, select the right size tubing for the wire size and crimp the end of the tube closed with a vise to the needed length and cut the tube off a least twice of the length that you crimped in the vise, install on the wire before drilling the bolt hole , again I use a hyd crimper for this and is vary fast and easy. once crimped it can be held in the vice by its sides and the hole drilled. iv made about 80-100 cables and had 0 problems to date, the main bus cables use 0000 cable and never a problem. I coat all negative cables with the plasticoat brush on rubber coating, this seems to work good, can also use the shrink tube, ether will be good and trouble free for years. if you don't or cant afford a hyd crimper this is what I did before I bought the hyd crimper. I had a vary thick piece of angle iron and a  punch set, one and one only punch in the centre of the area holding the cable, punch the same spot until the copper gets a v shape forming on the opposite side and stop, that's it, never had any problems like that ether but dosnt look as good after assembled and the bigger the cable the harder this is to do. starts to take some time with the larger cables. the coating can be shrink tube or the rubber coating, I don't think there is any advantage to ether one. all cables and wires should be secured down after installation and the high amperage carrying ones should have a protective cover over them and as always the battery should be in a protective box and vented with fans .a good SYSTEM can be built for 600-700$ complete and be built properly, and putout about 600w on the high side of output with the proper home work and efforts done. the net can help a lot but beware of all the bs, you will need to be a investigator and checkout all the stories to see the truth and lies, there are many lies by many people selling junk that don't work as intended . im selling nothing and gain nothing from my info given and hope to see more and cheaper cost systems out there. thanks for reading

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